Youth Alive® is about students sharing Jesus.
Join now
Until ALL students know JESUS
A traditional Youth Alive Club is an official school-approved club that meets on the school campus. In the past, this has been the most common type of Movement. It can meet during school, or just before or after school. If you attend a traditional public school that has clubs, a traditional Youth Alive Club may be the best option for you. Official school clubs often get to make announcements, hang up posters, and use school rooms and resources. Traditional Youth Alive Clubs have focused goals of sharing the Gospel with others through teaching and preaching and doing outreaches to those outside the club.
SPDYM is the Youth Ministry/Department of the Southern Pacific District, a non-profit Assemblies of God District headquartered in La Puente, California. Since 1971, our Youth Ministry department has served local church leaders in Southern California, Nevada, and Hawaii to equip and empower them for effective youth ministry through a variety of camps, retreats and conferences, seminars, and workshops on leadership, discipleship, and evangelism. SPDYM oversees 300 local church youth ministries all across Southern California, Nevada, and Hawaii, largely composed of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation Hispanic/Latino American youth. With well over 12,000 youth and over 300 youth workers in our District, SPDYM serves the local churches and youth leaders through organized geographical regions and sections for proficiency in communication and resource distribution. Regional and Sectional leaders form the SPDYM administrative leadership team and facilitate communication and ministry networking within each region/section. We strive to be a Spirit-filled multi-cultural community committed to empowering youth to fulfill the great commission.
Our mission and vision
We are a biblically-based, Spirit-filled, and missions-centered youth ministry that embraces, equips, and empowers youth workers and students for ministry in the church and the world.
Our work with YA
Campus Missionary is a student who commits to share Jesus with his or her friends—at school, in the neighborhood, at work, or wherever there is an opportunity to share Jesus.
Your journey
through the year
YA Orientation
Jan- Mar. Receive introductory-level training on Youth Alive and how you can participate in it.
Apr-May. Many online webinars are designed to provide extensive insight and resources on specific YA curricula.
YA Camp
June. Youth Alive Camp where hundreds of youth are inspired and commissioned to answer the call come ALIVE.
Summer Mentorship
Jun-Aug. Receive hands-on training, tools, and resources from your assigned coach in preparation to going back to school.
Our current YA numbers
Ages 11-18
From 350 SPD Churches
Since 2024
Our personal goal in the next 5 years
150 Bible Clubs
30 bible clubs per year
According to ESES
Our Growing Youth Alive Campus Missionary Movement
Spanish Speaking
New YAMs in Training
Located in
Over 18
Male Students +49%
Youth Alive Movement
YAMS - Youth Alive Missionaries
A Youth Alive Prayer Movement is a simple and powerful strategy for students to meet together for prayer at school, inviting those who may not know Jesus to pray with them or to receive prayer. A prayer movement doesn’t take much time, doesn’t have to be an official school club, and doesn’t need permission to gather for prayer. If you are unable to start a traditional Youth Alive Club or are already involved in too many extracurricular activities to start a club, a prayer movement can be a quick and easy option to reach your school with God’s love and power.
A Youth Alive Movement happens when students join together to share Jesus, whether it’s a traditional school Youth Alive Club, a prayer movement, a homeschool or cyber-school club, or simply an off-road group of students working to share Jesus.
Our Youth Alive Podcast
Over 60 students at YA Summer Camp accepted the call of God.
This year our SPDYM YAM’s received training at the national AG headquarters
Campus "Awarenes" Day.
Campus Awareness Day is a day focused on the 67,000 middle and high schools opening their doors for students to go back for another school year. We encourage each church in the Assemblies of God to invest five to ten minutes of their Sunday service to pray for students and their schools. The Campus Awareness Day resources equip a church to place special emphasis on students and their mission field. Download the free Campus Awareness Day resources for your church!
Next Steps
Join our YA team
Apply to join our YA Team
read here
Learn online
Join one of many online cohorts
read here
Build and dream
Start taking small actions steps towards your ministry
read here
All in
launch and release your YA plan when you are ready
read here
Youth Alive Movements
614 S 5th Ave La Puente CA 91746
Telephone: 626.968.5088