



Youth Alive® is about students ​sharing Jesus.

Join n​ow

We are committed to raising a generation of students who are Spirit filled Bible knowing and Personally responsible for the Great Commission of Jesus Christ
Rev Eli Vega DYD SPDYM

Until ALL students know ​JESUS

A traditional Youth Alive Club is an official school-approved ​club that meets on the school campus. In the past, this has ​been the most common type of Movement. It can meet ​during school, or just before or after school. If you attend a ​traditional public school that has clubs, a traditional Youth ​Alive Club may be the best option for you. Official school ​clubs often get to make announcements, hang up posters, ​and use school rooms and resources. Traditional Youth ​Alive Clubs have focused goals of sharing the Gospel with ​others through teaching and preaching and doing ​outreaches to those outside the club.

Abstract Brutalist Symbol


SPDYM is the Youth Ministry/Department of the Southern Pacific District, a non-profit Assemblies of God District headquartered in La Puente, California. Since ​1971, our Youth Ministry department has served local church leaders in Southern California, Nevada, and Hawaii to equip and empower them for effective youth ​ministry through a variety of camps, retreats and conferences, seminars, and workshops on leadership, discipleship, and evangelism. SPDYM oversees 300 local ​church youth ministries all across Southern California, Nevada, and Hawaii, largely composed of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation Hispanic/Latino American youth. With ​well over 12,000 youth and over 300 youth workers in our District, SPDYM serves the local churches and youth leaders through organized geographical regions and ​sections for proficiency in communication and resource distribution. Regional and Sectional leaders form the SPDYM administrative leadership team and facilitate ​communication and ministry networking within each region/section. We strive to be a Spirit-filled multi-cultural community committed to empowering youth to ​fulfill the great commission.

Our mission and vision

We are a biblically-based, Spirit-filled, and missions-​centered youth ministry that embraces, equips, ​and empowers youth workers and students for ministry i​n the churc​h​ ​and the world.

Our work with YA

Campus Missionary is a student who commits to share ​Jesus with his or her friends—at school, in the ​neighborhood, at work, or wherever there is an ​opportunity to share Jesus.

Your journey

through the year

YA​ Orientation

Jan- Mar. Receive ​introductory-level training ​on Youth Alive and how you ​can participate in it.


Apr-May. Many online ​webinars are designed to ​provide extensive insight ​and resources on specific ​YA curricula.

YA C​amp

June. Youth Alive Camp ​where hundreds of youth are ​inspired and commissioned ​to answer the call come ​ALIVE.​

Summer Mentorship

Jun-Aug. Receive hands-on ​training, tools, and resources ​from your assigned coach in ​preparation to going back to ​school.

Our current YA ​numbers

Youth In our district


Ag​es 11-18

YA Missionaries in Training


Fr​om 350 SPD Churches

Bible Clubs Opened


Si​nce 2024

Our personal goal ​in the next 5 years

150 ​Bible ​Club​s

30​ bible clubs per year

CA SNV has a total of 5 7 million youth

According to ESE​S

Our Growing Youth Alive ​Campus Missionary Movement

Spanish ​Speaking


New YAMs in ​Training





Located in​



Over 18


Male ​Students ​+49%

Youth Alive Movement

YA​MS - Youth Alive Missionaries

A Youth Alive Prayer Movement is a simple and powerful strategy ​for students to meet together for prayer at school, inviting those ​who may not know Jesus to pray with them or to receive prayer. A ​prayer movement doesn’t take much time, doesn’t have to be an ​official school club, and doesn’t need permission to gather for ​prayer. If you are unable to start a traditional Youth Alive Club or ​are already involved in too many extracurricular activities to start a ​club, a prayer movement can be a quick and easy option to reach ​your school with God’s love and power.

A Youth Alive Movement happens when students join together to ​share Jesus, whether it’s a traditional school Youth Alive Club, a ​prayer movement, a homeschool or cyber-school club, or simply an ​off-road group of students working to share Jesus.

Our Youth Alive Podcast

Summer Youth Alive Camp

Over 60 students at YA Summer Camp ​accepted ​the call of God.

Recieved National AG YA Training

This year our SPDYM YAM’s received training at ​th​e national AG headquarters

Campus "Awarenes" Day.

Campus Awareness Day is a day focused on ​the 67,000 middle and high schools opening ​their doors for students to go back for another ​school year. We encourage each church in the ​Assemblies of God to invest five to ten ​minutes of their Sunday service to pray for ​students and their schools. The Campus ​Awareness Day resources equip a church to ​place special emphasis on students and their ​mission field. Download the free Campus ​Awareness Day resources for your church!

My heart goes out to all the young ladies who live without knowing the love of Jesus Christ

Learn more about YA

Alive in 5

I Dare You

Fire Bible

Next Steps

Jo​in our YA team

Ap​ply to join our YA Team

read here

Le​arn online

Jo​in one of many online cohorts

read here

Bu​ild and dream

St​art taking small actions steps towards your ministry

read here

Al​l in

la​unch and release your YA plan when you are ready

read here

Youth Alive Movements

YA​ Traditional

YA Hu​ddles

YA​ Cyber School

YA​ Home School

A Ministry that cares about you



614 S 5th Ave La Puente CA 91746

Telephone: 626.968.5088

Email: YouthAlive@spdym.org
